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My blog is a collection of my near-daily art journaling. This is how and where I record and make sense of what is happening in the world around me.

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #34
So grateful for the plenty that's appearing in our own backyard. How lovely to have the time to garden.

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #33
Don't have to social distance from the goats and chickens!

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #32
It's not difficult if you don't make it so.

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #31
Not just any apricot - an apricot from our own tree!

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #30/Desert Blooms #1
Pink blooms on a prickly pear

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #29
If I'm learning anything from journaling through this pandemic, it's to notice and appreciate all the many, many things I used to take...

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #28
Too much information? Who was NOT thinking about toilet paper during this time??

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #27
Early May always brings the saguaro blooms to Phoenix, but they are usually well-above our heads. This drooping branch bloomed right at...

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #26
There is so much to see! I wonder what else I've been missing . . . .

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #25
"Stuck" at home has taken on an entirely new meaning. There are always new discoveries if you're only willing to take the time to look.

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #24
I have found a lot of comfort in food these past weeks . . . .

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #23
Yes, Arizona DOES have rivers. And sometimes they even have water in them!

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #22
What new things are you seeing in 2020?

Devon Meyer
Jul 6, 2020
Pandemic Journal #21
This plant has grown so quickly that it doesn't fit in my sketchbook!

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020
Pandemic Journal #20
Nature seldom disappoints the early riser.

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020
Pandemic Journal #19
All the things you miss when life is "normal." Now we have time. Time to stop. To see. To smell. To listen.

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020
Pandemic Journal #17
Before and after. All the changes, all at once. Some are terrible but some are a gift.

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020
Pandemic Journal #16
Even 4am ironing becomes delightful when you are visited by a hummingbird.

Devon Meyer
Jul 4, 2020
Pandemic Journal #15
The chickens wanted nothing to do with my mask-making scrap fabrics. But I made 47 masks this day!!
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